
Pawa Digital

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HVAC Client Results
These results were achieved over 90 days for an HVAC Client.  Results may vary and are not necessarily typical.
Yes You Can Get Better Google Ads Results With Our
No Win No Fee Guarantee!*

We'll provide proof over promises before you get charged one dollar. 

We are absolutely certain our processes work. We have an unfair advantage using our database of 146,450,420 and growing list of search keywords across a wide range of markets combined with our unique AI.

We know that 97% of these keywords will NEVER bring you any closed leads. At the end of the day what else matters to you, except more business

You can connect your Google ads account by clicking the orange button.  The whole process takes about 7 minutes. Once connected a report specific to your business will be prepared  and emailed to you showing you EXACTLY the sort of improvement you can expect from using our PPC Primed app. 

Analyze My Ads

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Get More
...100% Guaranteed.*
Want more information. Please email me.

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* About our Guarantee. Let's chat and take on the world together. The report will indicate the potential savings using our database of over 146 million(1) keywords and growing, most of which have never converted into a paying customer ever.

If you would like more converted leads for less cost per click, we'll setup your account on us. We will cover the setup ($497 saving).
We will then report to you weekly to show you the improvements in  your account. Until improvements are shown, you will not be charged one penny.  

If within 45 days we cannot show you any improvement 
(less than 3% of ad accounts) or for any other reason you are not satisfied,  not only is there no fee at all, well also gift you free access for 12 months to our private online PPC Lab app, that amongst other things lets you spy on your competitor ads to find out what is being seen right now. Access is usually reserved just for our paying clients.  $588 Value.

(1) As at September 6, 2023
Google is a registered trademark of Alphabet Inc. We are not endorsed by Google in any way. Results shown are from actual client accounts. Results may vary and are not necessarily typical.